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Welcome to the heart of your home – the kitchen. For those who find joy in hosting gatherings, the kitchen is more than just a functional space; it’s one of the most important rooms in the house. It’s where memories are made and loved ones come together.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through nine ultimate kitchen remodel tips designed to give you a gorgeous gathering space. From considering the basic layout of the room to adding personalized touches, each tip will get you closer to designing a masterpiece of a kitchen. One that’s not only beautiful, but is also a comfortable, practical, and inviting hub for entertaining.

1. Go For Open Concept

If you’ve never had an open-concept kitchen and living area, picture this: standing over the stove while laughing and talking with guests seated in the living room. Seem too good to be true? It could be possible to create in your home!

Many newly built and renovated homes in the Cleveland area feature open floor plans. But the majority of Northeast Ohio houses still have traditional and segmented floor plans, closing off the kitchen from the rest of the house.

Either partially or completely knocking down an interior wall could have a massive impact on the feel and function of the space. It can create a sense of openness and allow for better visibility between different parts of the home. This is probably the biggest, but not the only change that you want to consider as you plan your open kitchen remodel. Think about how the flooring materials, paint colors, and furniture come together to create a unified look.

A white kitchen island with wood countertop. Statement lights hang overhead

2. Find a Functional Island

A great kitchen island could easily become the best part of your kitchen- for both you and your guests. This versatile addition not only adds countertop space for food preparation but also serves as a gathering point for friends and family. It can be placed strategically as a part of your kitchen remodel to create a seamless flow between the kitchen and living areas, allowing hosts to engage with their company while preparing meals.

When you add seating options around it, the island transforms into an inviting social hub, encouraging guests to get comfortable, chat, and even lend a helping hand. Pick one with lots of storage options. This will give you easy access to cooking essentials, and also keep the entertaining space organized and uncluttered. Whether it’s being used as a stylish breakfast bar or a versatile prep station, a functional island becomes the heartbeat of social gatherings.

3. Be Smart About Storage

Speaking of storage, it’s important to give it lots of thought! Throughout your whole kitchen remodel, not just in your island. Here are a few reasons and ways that every host should prioritize storage.

  1. Organization: Having enough clever storage allows you to keep your kitchen organized. When hosting, you’ll have various utensils, cookware, and serving dishes to manage. Efficient storage ensures that everything has its designated place.
  2. Accessibility: It needs to be convenient to access cooking essentials quickly. Whether it’s ingredients, utensils, or serving platters, having items easily within reach streamlines your cooking and serving process, reducing stress and saving time.
  3. Clutter-Free Space: Hosting often involves multitasking, and a clutter-free kitchen provides a more comfortable and visually appealing environment. Well-organized storage prevents unnecessary clutter on countertops, allowing you to maintain a clean and inviting space for your guests.
  4. Flexibility: Great storage solutions offer flexibility in adapting your kitchen to different hosting needs. Adjustable shelves, pull-out drawers, and dedicated spaces for specific items give you the versatility to customize your storage based on the type of gathering or event.
Black and white marbled countertops and a feature chandelier.

4. Light It Up

Task lighting is very important for successful hosting. Of course, good lighting is needed for cooking tasks, making your life easier and keeping you safe in the kitchen.

But beyond functionality, task lighting makes your kitchen look better! It adds to the presentation of your culinary creations by showing off well-lit countertops. This not only adds to the visual appeal of your dishes but also creates an inviting atmosphere for guests to gather.

Consider putting in adjustable lighting as a part of your kitchen remodel. Having flexibility to go from bright task lighting during meal prep to a softer ambiance during entertaining is a great option. Dimmable lights or adjustable fixtures are perfect for this.

5. Select Statement Appliances

Statement appliances can be the focal point of your kitchen, giving both style and functionality to your hosting space. These eye-catching appliances, like a vibrant refrigerator or a sleek range, serve as design elements that reflect your personality and enhance the overall feel of the kitchen.

When hosting, statement appliances become conversation starters, drawing attention and sparking interest. They add a unique and personal flair to your space, and can making a lasting impression on your guests. These appliances can also be chosen based on advanced features that simplify your cooking process, combining practicality with a stylish touch.

While planning your kitchen remodel, consider investing in statement appliances that complement your theme and color scheme. Whether it’s bright and bold or a sleek, modern design, these appliances are a big part of to the overall visual impact of your space.

Comfortable blue chairs against a bar-style counter in a bright, modern kitchen

6. Choose Comfortable Seating

Nothing says “welcome” like a cozy kitchen with comfortable places to sit. Having lots of comfy seating options encourages guests to pull up a chair, have a cup of tea, and make themselves at home. Consider these ideas as you plan your kitchen remodel:

  1. Kitchen Islands with Seating: Incorporate a kitchen island with built-in seating. This not only provides additional workspace but also serves as a casual dining area. Stools or chairs around the island create a communal space for guests to gather and chat.
  2. Dining Nook or Banquette: Create a cozy dining nook or banquette in a corner of your kitchen. This dedicated seating area offers a comfortable and intimate space for guests to enjoy meals.
  3. Versatile Furniture: Choose versatile furniture that can serve multiple purposes. Foldable tables, extendable dining sets, or movable chairs allow you to adapt the seating arrangement based on the size of the gathering.
  4. Mix Seating Styles: Experiment with a mix of seating styles. Combine traditional dining chairs with bench seating or put bar stools at a counter— this provides variety and gives choices.
  5. Comfortable Cushions: Invest in comfortable cushions for chairs and benches. Upholstered seating not only adds a touch of comfort but also contributes to the overall coziness of the space.
  6. Flexible Arrangements: Arrange seating in a way that makes for easy movement. Avoid overcrowding and make sure there’s enough space for guests to navigate comfortably between seating areas and the kitchen.

7. Include an Entertainment Hub

Whatever your entertainment style is, you can move the party to the kitchen! Just focus on using the elements that are important to you.

Start with a designated drink station, near the kitchen island or a countertop. This could look like cocktail essentials on a stylish bar cart or a cozy coffee nook. Consider an under-the-counter beverage cooler for easy access to chilled drinks without asking guests to root through your main refrigerator.

For entertainment, install a wall-mounted TV visible from the drink station and seating areas. Include a sound system with speakers discreetly placed for surround sound, either to be used with the TV or for music. Create a cozy corner for board games, complete with comfortable seating and storage. Go a step further in planning for your guests’ comfort by adding a tech charging station.

Large white countertops on a kitchen island and surrounding counters

8. Opt for Versatile Countertops

When doing a kitchen remodel, it can be tempting to choose countertops based purely on how they look. But their material and layout can have a big impact on convenience and comfort as you host.

Choose durable materials like granite, quartz, or stainless steel. These will have a long life and be easy to maintain, as they have surfaces resistant to stains, scratches, and heat. Call to schedule a visit to Keselman Group’s Cleveland showroom, and check out some of our latest projects here for countertop inspiration!

Use a mix of countertop heights to accommodate many different activities – a lower section for comfortable baking and a higher section for bar-style seating or buffet setups during parties.

9. Get Inspired by the Rest of Your Home

You want guests to feel at home in your kitchen? Make it feel like a part of your home! It can be easy to approach decoration and design differently in your kitchen than you would in your living room, but they should feel connected. Your whole home should reflect you and the styles that you love!

Pick a color palette that works well with the other colors in your home. Choose custom cabinetry, a unique backsplash, flooring, family photos – any elements that you love and that speak to your style. Not only will this make guests feel welcome, but it will make you happier and more comfortable in your own kitchen.

Ready to Start Your Kitchen Remodel?

We hope that we’ve given you some helpful tips as you plan your kitchen remodel, and that you are imagining all of the gatherings you will host in it! Are you ready to get started? Call Keselman Construction Group today and talk with our experts. We’ll get you a free quote and get you started on your dream kitchen.